Marriage is a once-in-a-lifetime event, a time when love between two people blossoms. However, a groom in Shanghai, China recently ran away during his own wedding because he did not want to marry the bride, according to Shanghaiist. The bride was shocked and decided to wear her entire wedding dress to go look for him. Before leaving, she even grabbed a steel chain to capture and tie up the runaway groom.

Unfortunately for the groom, he was unable to escape and was found by the bride. She used the handcuff chain to drag the groom on the street, while “gently” persuading him to come to their wedding.

As onlookers witnessed this unique scene, they advised the young man to return to the wedding. This is a sign of a one-sided love affair, where only one person is actively communicating. You are the one who has to initiate texting, phone calls, and make efforts to see the other person. Otherwise, you and that person will remain silent for at least a few days.

If only you are the one who has to arrange the date, show your affection all the time, then there is a high chance that you are in a one-sided love affair. If you are always the one who has to take the initiative, you should prepare yourself to get out of this relationship.

Another sign to know if you are in a one-sided love affair is when that person never responds when you try to show your affection. One of the signs to know that you are in this kind of emotional affair is when the other person never demands that you spend time or show more affection for them. When you try to spend more time with them, he/she is always too busy and has other pre-arranged appointments or complains that they are too tired.

They will always make excuses and say that they have a lot of work to do and may get angry if you demand or expect too much from them, especially when you show disappointment and frustration.

Their friends are always prioritized over you. When your boyfriend/girlfriend wants to go for a walk to unwind, they never think about inviting you. Even when they want to stay home, you are not their top choice. When you try to address this issue to balance things out, they get angry, and you end up arguing.

If this is the case, don’t ever think about inviting him/her to hang out with you and your friends. They only like to invite their own friends over, spend time with them, and leave you feeling lonely, wondering what you did wrong.

You always defend their cold behavior to your friends and family. For example, when they never show up at family dinners or don’t do anything special on your birthday and always get upset over trivial things. You have to constantly defend your partner’s excessive behavior.

You have to reassure your loved ones and friends that you are okay in this relationship. Instead of admitting the negative aspects of the relationship, you swallow your tears and suppress your pain, then reassure those around you and yourself with positive words.

Simply put, they don’t care about you. If you feel like they don’t care about you, then congratulations, you are right. In this type of relationship, it is obvious that they will never care about you or want you to be happy. A caring boyfriend/girlfriend will truly care about you, update you on your life, and always want to spend time with you.

But your partner does not do that, no matter how much you expect it, they will never care. The attitude of “I don’t care about you” will never change. Until you accept this, you will soon end this relationship.

Recognize that you are in a one-sided love affair and break free from it. When you have decided to end the relationship, don’t worry, you still have friends, family, and people around you who are ready to support and be by your side.

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