While giving a speech on stage, the bride accidentally called the wrong name of her groom, surprising everyone in attendance.

When a couple decides to get married, they surely must have thoroughly researched each other’s identities, personalities, views, and life circumstances, as they all directly affect the married life. However, recently, a bride forgot her groom’s name right in the middle of their wedding ceremony, causing a discussion on social media.

According to Sohu News, the wedding took place on May 15, 2023, in the city of Dezhou, Shandong province, China. The bride and groom were both on stage to perform the wedding rituals, with numerous guests, relatives, and friends from both families present to witness the joyous occasion.

The wedding was held at a luxurious and grand hotel. The bride and groom were both dressed in a fancy and elegant manner, with the bride even wearing a stunning and eye-catching designed dress.

After completing all the wedding rituals, the bride and groom exchanged messages and vows with each other. When the bride gave her speech, all eyes were fixed on her. However, at this moment, the bride made an incredible mistake.

“Dear Mr. Liu… Oh no, dear Mr. Ly,” the bride said over the microphone. It turned out that she had called her groom by the wrong name, which surprised the groom and guests and made them burst out laughing. Feeling embarrassed, the bride had to cover her face with a piece of paper, while everyone below eagerly discussed the incident.

In response to the bride’s mistake, the groom quickly came up with a “firefighting” tactic to save his wife from embarrassment, saying, “It’s okay, it’s okay, she’s just too nervous.” This explanation made everyone laugh out loud. In the end, with everyone’s applause and encouragement, the bride was able to complete her speech.

One wedding guest who attended the reception that day shared that the mistake did not affect the wedding banquet at all. On the contrary, it made everyone remember the wedding even more.

After images and videos of this moment were circulated on social media, Chinese netizens also left many humorous comments:

“Since it was their first wedding, the bride was just a little nervous. It won’t happen again in their second wedding.”

“The groom’s action was very thoughtful and warm.”

“Maybe the bride’s ex-boyfriend’s surname was Liu.”

“The bride must have been very embarrassed, but it’s still something that made their wedding day more memorable.”

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