Weddings are supposed to be one of the happiest moments in a person’s life. It’s a time where couples can celebrate their love and commitment to each other with their family and friends. However, one bride’s dream wedding turned into a nightmare after a controversial request for a hefty wedding gift caused the event to be cancelled.

Susan and her fiancé had been childhood friends and had reunited after years of being apart. Susan had gone through a divorce and had a child, but her fiancé was willing to accept her and her child into his life. The couple wanted to celebrate their love with an extravagant wedding that cost over $1 billion.

Just four days before the wedding, Susan had to cancel the event because they didn’t have enough money to cover the expenses. The reason for this was because the guests on their list had refused to attend unless they were given a $1,500 gift.

“I emphasized the required amount in the invitation. How could we have a fairy tale wedding without calling for help? We have sacrificed and worked hard for this wedding, and we asked for a little help from everyone,” Susan wrote on Facebook.

Susan’s maid of honor had promised to give her a $5,000 gift and help with the wedding preparations. Her ex-husband’s family was also willing to contribute $3,000 to celebrate her new beginning. However, because of the number of promises she received, Susan decided to ask the remaining guests for help as well.

“Our love story is beautiful, just like a romance novel, so we wanted our wedding to be a little extravagant. We only needed a little support from everyone to turn our dream into reality. But then everyone suddenly turned their backs on us, including the maid of honor and my ex-husband’s family. I don’t understand why; it’s only $1,500. I think this is a reasonable amount and within everyone’s capabilities. I even heard that some couples demand more than that. I am shocked and desperate,” Susan said.

Because they couldn’t afford the extravagant wedding, Susan and her fiancé had a heated argument. Her fiancé suggested having a simple wedding in Las Vegas, but Susan refused. In the end, the couple decided to break up just four days before their wedding.

After the shock, Susan decided to travel to South America to clear her head. She also decided to take a break from social media and promised to meet everyone again someday.

The post received a lot of comments from netizens, with some saying that Susan’s request for a large gift was unreasonable. Others questioned the accuracy of the story and suspected that Susan was under the influence of alcohol when she made the post.

Weddings are meant to be a joyous occasion, but Susan’s dream wedding turned into a nightmare. Her controversial request for a $1,500 gift caused the event to be cancelled, and her relationship with her fiancé ended. This story serves as a lesson that excessive expectations and requests can lead to disappointment and heartbreak. Perhaps it’s best to focus on the love and commitment between two people rather than the extravagance of the event.

By Bych

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