Natalie’s breakup with Josh led her on a fertility journey that she hoped would end in a reconciliation with her estranged husband Michael

There’s no hope of a reunion between Michael Youngquist and Natalie Mordovtseva.

Monday night’s episode of 90 Day: The Single Life proved Mike has moved on from his estranged wife, no matter her plan to win him back. Mike was visiting Natalie and her mom in Los Angeles — right after her split from Josh Weinstein — when she decided to pose a giant question to Mike (to whom she is still legally married).

“What do you think if I come back and have a child together?” she asked.

The question came on the heels of Natalie seeking fertility advice in order to prioritize starting a family.

Mike was quick to respond to Natalie with a flat-out “no,” adding that he was “ready to move on.”

“You are my husband, move on where?” Natalie asked. Mike confirmed he hadn’t been dating anyone else, but was “hoping I can meet someone.”

“We’ve been separated for years,” he added. “The only thing I ever wanted was to have a family.”

The conversation got tense when Mike brought up Josh — saying Natalie had already moved on. She defended what she “wouldn’t even call a relationship,” but the wound cut deep for Mike. “So, now I’m your backup plan or what?”

Mike made his feelings clear: “There is no me and you. You made that choice, Natalie.”

Longtime viewers will remember Natalie moved to Seattle from Ukraine to marry Mike, only to leave him in the lurch when she wanted to pursue her acting and modeling career. Natalie ran out on their marriage years ago, though the pair have yet to formally divorce.

Mike pointed to Los Angeles as Natalie’s dream. “This is what you wanted, and you got it,” he told her. “The grass is not always greener on the other side, and you can’t backtrack towards me. I’m not your backup plan.”

He reiterated in an interview: “She left and she’s still not happy. Natalie doesn’t know what she wants at the end of the day. She just wants to hit the finish line with everything. This is where she wanted to be…dreams don’t always turn out the way they want.”

Natalie posed another option, suggesting to Mike, “Let’s just be friends and after, we’ll see.”

Mike didn’t mince words, telling her, “I’m taking steps to make the divorce final.”

This sent Natalie spiraling. “You can’t. Mama loves you,” she said of her mother, whose escape from Ukraine Mike had funded. “I care for you.”

Natalie walked away from Mike to cry in peace (well, with cameras) over their lost future. “I’m not divorcing him,” she said. “He’s my family. You don’t divorce family. Family is for life.”

This isn’t the first time Natalie has tried to win Mike back. Last season of The Single Life, she flew “home” to Seattle in an attempt to revive her marriage. “Michael, I love you,” she said at the time. “I could move back.”

He replied, “At the end of the day, you made your bed. You went out and wanted to follow your dreams, and you did. It just cost us.”

90 Day: The Single Life airs Mondays at 8 p.m. ET on TLC.

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